Presenter: Oryang Kwon

Reflection and Deflection of the Glocalization of
Tesol and “Tesology”
Oryang Kwon
Professor Emeritus, Seoul National University, Korea

Official teaching of Western languages was introduced into East Asia in the 19th century, and English has been the most important Western language since its introduction. In East Asia, Tesol and “Tesology”, studies on Tesol, have been subject to change according to the political and social conditions of the region and the changes in the “inner circle” of the English language speaking academia. I will discuss how globalization of teaching and research has been, and is, affecting the field in East Asia, almost to the degree of Tesological imperialism, what the gap is between theory and practice, and whether we professionals have been and are doing our job well.

  • DAYS
Key Dates
On-site registration
26 June 2018

Conference date
27—29 June 2018